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Jan 06, 2006


Science Communication誌の12月号は,ナノテクとマスメディア報道,一般人の認知などの特集号.
Bruce V. Lewenstein "Introduction—Nanotechnology and the Public"
Lowndes F. Stephens "News Narratives about Nano S&T in Major U.S. and Non-U.S. Newspapers"
Alison Anderson, Stuart Allan, Alan Petersen, and Clare Wilkinson "The Framing of Nanotechnologies in the British Newspaper Press"
Michael D. Cobb "Framing Effects on Public Opinion about Nanotechnology"
Chul-Joo Lee, Dietram A. Scheufele, and Bruce V. Lewenstein "Public Attitudes toward Emerging Technologies: Examining the Interactive Effects of Cognitions and Affect on Public Attitudes toward Nanotechnology"
Phil Macnaghten, Matthew B. Kearnes, and Brian Wynne "Nanotechnology, Governance, and Public Deliberation: What Role for the Social Sciences?"
Susanna Hornig Priest "Commentary—Room at the Bottom of Pandora's Box: Peril and Promise in Communicating Nanotechnology"
Joann M. Valenti and Gaugau Tavana "Report: Continuing Science Education for Environmental Journalists and Science Writers: In Situ With the Experts"
John Carey "Book Review: Nanofuture: What's Next for Nanotechnology"
JoAnn Myer Valenti "Book Review: Science and Sensibility: The Elegant Logic of the Universe"
Karl Grossman "Review: Alternative Media Aims at Environmental Issues"


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